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Making better decisions with behavioral science

If you value good decisions, then deciding how to decide is key to making it happen.​

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​Join 1.7K+ readers of the meta-decisions newsletter for bi-weekly tips, strategies, and resources to help you make better decisions at work and solve problems with behavioral science.

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This guide will introduce you to four broad decision-making errors we make in the workplace, along with some practical tips for overcoming them.


Download the guide now and get a free mini masterclass on decision-making.

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Hello, I'm Melina Moleskis. I help people

demystify the fuzzy back-end of their decisions.


How can {me, you, them} make better decisions?

That's what a decision + behavioral scientist thinks about.



1/ There's predictable ways in which we think that lead us to sub-optimal decisions.

2/ There's a a huge upside to improving our decisions, even by a little, using proactive strategies.

So, what works to improve our choices and behavior?

That's what I train, teach, research and consult about. 

Γειά σας και καλώς ήρθατε!

With a mission is to address one important gap in modern business - and everyday life -

 that marks the difference between success, averageness and failure: deciding how to decide,

I train, teach, research, consult and I'm actively involved or lead global initiatives for decision skills advancement.

Three ways I can help you.


Training that stays with you

Debiasing training works when done right. We know that from longitudinal research.

If you're serious about leveling up yours or your team's decision-making skills, problem-solving methods, influence and performance, reach out to talk more.

A sneak-peek: ​Lots of behavioral insights and brand new, practical, science-based tools that participants get to practice from day 1.  


Advice that solves problems

If you're practical, you'll care about actual behaviors, more so than intentions. While not every solution is behavioral, most work-related problems are. They involve clients', employees' or partners' actions.

The behavioral science methodology is a scientific process that identifies not only the structural obstacles but also the cognitive and psychological barriers that might be causing problems. It helps you achieve desired behaviors and solve problems cost-effectively. 

Reach out to figure out together the ways behavioral science can help.


Newsletter readers love 

"Amazing to say the least!"

"Selective, thought-provoking,

modern, easy to read!"

"Learned a lot!"

A by-product of my research, teaching and project work with businesses and the public sector, the meta-decisions newsletter curates learnings, observations and ideas into easily digestible chunks. 

You're welcome to sign up anytime. 

Recent issues of the meta-decisions newsletter.

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better habits. better process. better decisions.
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